FITTS is dedicated to helping students and educators in the Junior High Schools, Senior High Schools, Universities, Nursing Training Colleges, Colleges of Education, Government and the general workforce benchmark their IT skill set with internationally recognized standards to enhance efficiency and boost productivity in Ghana.


Established in May 12, 2017, Fawoma IT Training Services (FITTS) is a full service-learning, skills, business & education development consultancy, dedicated to helping individuals, Government & the general workforce achieve industry relevant IT skill sets through our proposed 21st Century ICT Skills Development and Certification Solutions. We are able to deliver these student/client-centered solutions based on our credential as a Certiport Authorized Testing Center in Ghana.


Our Core mandate is to help students and the general workforce study at their own pace within a period of three (3) months, administer, deliver assessment and certification exams anywhere in Ghana.


Click on the link to use the coordinates on google map to our office.